On a typical night, our family says a number of traditional prayers before we each offer our personal intentions. I love closing our day in prayer, because no matter how ghastly our day might have been (and these days have been pretty ghastly), we end each day with some sense of peace. As they get older, the kids become more thoughtful and deliberate in their intentions. Virginia, in particular, has become more thoughtful. In previous months, it wouldn't be uncommon for her to spout "Thank you God for the world. Amen. Oh, and my mom and dad and my brother and sister. Amen." (It cracks me up that we are an afterthought). Virginia's approach to our ritual has often been dismissive and halfhearted, her primary goal being to get quickly to her room so that she can read. Tonight she surprised me. I'm not sure what inspired her prayer and I feel a little unsettled by it, but it was certainly heartfelt. Tonight she prayed, "Dear God, I ask you to bless all of the people who are going to die tonight. I pray that you will bless them so that they don't die. But if they have to die, I pray that you will protect them and stay with them. And thank you for this day and for my mom and dad and brother and sister. God, please help me so that I will be good tomorrow. Amen."
A side note: After I tucked Jude in tonight, as I was closing his door, he said "Mom, you're a really good mom. I love you."
Man, I love these kids.
What a sweetheart that child is. Jude, too.
Thanks, Lucy. She certainly has her sweet moments, and she's as lovable as they come.
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