Sunday, July 31, 2011


We had our first big sleepover this weekend!  Our friends were going on a date that would last until late in the evening, so we offered to keep their three boys overnight.  These boys are some of our kids' best friends, and so the house was full of excitement as their arrival inched nearer.  Every few minutes, my kids would ask, "How much longer until they get here, Mom?  How many minutes?"  Eventually, Ella assigned each of our kids a station from which to lookout for their friends.  Right around the time we expected the boys to arrive, Ella ordered, "One more minute ... window watchers and door waiters in position."  Even more funny than her dictate was the urgency with which her siblings obeyed her.  I can't help but wonder what my life would be like if they obeyed me as quickly.

The sleepover went off without a hitch.   Nobody argued that night.  Nobody was frightened by the unfamiliar sleeping arrangements.  Nobody cried.  Everybody slept through the night, even me.  In fact, it was a really fun night, and we were even a little sad when the boys had to leave.

I remember only one episode of note.   When bedtime came, I read to the kids, said prayers with them, and tucked them in for the night; afterwards, I quietly crept onto the stairs and waited for trouble.  No one stirred for the longest time, and then I heard the door creak.  Jude stumbled towards me, disoriented, and said "Davis keeps getting out of bed.  He won't leave me alone.  Look what he did."  Jude pointed to his derriere.  His little pajama bottoms had been stuffed full.  Apparently, as Jude was dozing off, Davis kept sneaking across the room and stuffing Jude's pajama bottoms with random pieces of clothing.   I laugh every time I think of this.  I would expect this kind of prank from a ten year old but not from a four year old.  Something tells me I need to keep my eye on this kid as he gets older.  I can only imagine the pranks he's got in store for us.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I like that prank kid.

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