Friday, August 19, 2011

Ella's Musings

"I wonder how big the girls' brains are.  Chickens just seem so dumb.  Their heads are tiny to begin with, so their brains are probably only about this size [the size of a quarter].  You know?  Well, that's okay.  They don't really need to be very smart.  God made them as smart as they need to be, so I guess it doesn't matter.  They're perfect."

At lunch today, apropos of nothing:

"Nothing, always, and forever, are so confusing.  Nothing.  What does that even mean?  If I try to imagine nothing, I imagine darkness.  But darkness is not nothing; it's darkness.  Or lightness, just lightness, that's not nothing either.   It's just impossible to imagine something that is nothing.  Do you know what I mean?  And forever ... what does that even mean?  Sometimes I just can't figure this stuff out."

and a little while later:

"All these people who think that mother nature had anything to do with life, they just don't make any sense.  Mother nature?  Really?  I wonder who they think made her.  They just don't know what they're talking about.  Obviously, there is a God.  Obviously."


Dwija {House Unseen} said...

She is a sharp tack, that girl. I have had all those same thoughts at one time or another! Well, not the chicken one so much...

Bethany said...

Headache. What do you say in response?

Cassie said...

Ear plugs make fabulous Mother's Day gifts.

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