Saturday, May 12, 2012

Yesterday as we were driving to swim practice, Ella asked me, "Mom, what do you like least about marrying?"  I thought to myself, "What a strange thing for her to ask."  You see, I had heard: "What do you like least about Mary?"  I have in my car, on the dashboard, a picture of a young Mary holding the baby Jesus, so I assumed she was looking at the picture and talking about Mary.  I replied, "Girl, if you think I'm gonna start talking smack about her, you crazy.  I'm not saying anything bad about Jesus' mom."  Ella's silence and subsequent "What!" quickly led me to realize that I had misunderstood her.  She repeated her question--I didn't find it appreciably less odd than what I had heard the first time. Nonetheless, I contemplated her question for a minute and answered, "Well, the thing I like least about marriage is that sometimes I have to do things someone else wants to do, even if I don't want to do them.  I have to compromise sometimes, and mommy doesn't like to compromise."  I didn't think our dialogue could get a whole lot stranger until Ella replied: "Hmm, that's odd.  I would think you'd have said something like 'all those guys I'm missing out on.'  Yep, that's what I think is gonna be hard for me.  I mean, all these guys are out there, but you promised to be with only one of them.  That's gotta be so hard."

As Daniel was tucking Jude in last night, a thunderstorm was in full force.  Daniel kissed Jude and hugged him.  Jude said, "Goodnight, Daddy.  I don't want to get dead from the thunder tonight.  But some things I want to be dead, like fish, because I like to eat fish.  And bad guys, I want them to be dead, and the devil. But not the government because the government tells us everything to do.  What is government anyway?"


Bethany said...

Hilarious on both accounts. You're raising a little authoritarian.

Dwija {House Unseen} said...

Gosh Cathleen...don't you miss out on all the GUYS you could be with????

Sweet girl. She thinks the world is filled with lovely men. It won't take too long for her to realize that only one man seems lovely to her :)

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