Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Virginia's Shotguns

Among other things, Virginia got a doll house for her birthday. I bought it used at a garage sale, and I sanded it, painted it, and installed in it floors and artwork. It's supposed to look like our house, because Virginia says she wants never to forget this house. Anyhow, Virginia also received a little bit of money, which she wanted to use to buy accessories for the doll house. I took her to Hobby Lobby, where she purchased a rather eclectic mix of accessories, including but not limited to: a dress maker's dummy, artificial plants, little cakes, a teeny-tiny teddy bear, some furniture, etc. But the most curious and comical of all her purchases were the two small shotguns and a bag of gun powder. Daniel mounted them on the wall of the doll house.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

You did a great job on the house. It's so cute that she wants it to look like her childhood house -- that actually makes me a little teary.

God bless a girl who loves guns...especially shot guns.

Also thought you'd like to know that my verification word is: "juderad"

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