Monday, August 31, 2009

When I asked her how her day was, Ella responded:

"It feels so good when you walk down the hall and you pass someone who knows your name and says 'hi' to you. I passed four kids who waved and said 'hi' to me today."

That sure does feel good. I love that Ella articulates these little yet significant details of her day.

Daniel and I went to curriculum night/meet the teacher while our friend babysat the kids. It was a bit difficult to sit an hour in those teensy weensy kindergarten chairs (I had forgotten how small they were). Nonetheless, the teachers gave an informative, entertaining presentation, and I feel like I have a much better idea of what Ella's day is like. I have a good feeling about the teachers. Some of the parents, on the other hand, not so sure. Those people who asked really annoying questions in high school, they're still asking really annoying questions. The teachers answered every question with much more tact than I could have, even when they had to spell out three times the types of snacks acceptable for the class. Healthy, nutritive snacks. "No, ma'am, please don't send Cheetos . . . I guess they might be healthier than cookies. No, cupcakes, wouldn't work either. " Looks like I ought to learn some tact really fast, particularly since I signed up to be homeroom mother.

On our walk home, Daniel and I were reflecting upon and laughing about the uniqueness (peculiarities?) of each of the children. Ella, our little poet, romantic, dreamer; Virginia, a poet in her own right, perhaps more akin to a rap artist, certainly less traditional; Jude, just happy to wear his baseball cap sideways, with a thick silver chain and a bald eagle around his neck, Puerto Rican . . . hard core.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

It's funny that you mention those little chairs. One of my fears is having to go to V's open houses and being forced to sit in those little chairs. My ass does not go in those chairs. No.

Glad she (and it sounds like you) is enjoying school.

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