Monday, July 4, 2011

When Kate Comes to Town

Since the dawn of our adolescence, Kate and I have been keeping a visual record of our exploits.  It began with hokey, contrived photo shoots in Woodward park, where we'd dress and pose to give the impression of our oneness with nature.   I would crouch by the frog cave, flashing a forced and unbecoming smile.  Kate would snap a photo.  Later, Kate, raising her arms to the sun, would clench her jaw tightly to holdfast the flower she balanced between her teeth.  I would snap her photo.  I'd leap through a ray of light, and Kate with the benefit of a good flash and a quick reflex, would record my moment.  We thought we were hilarious.  In fact, we thought we were so funny, that we began the tradition of photographing our unique friendship and our myriad of eccentricities.

There are photos of Kate dressed as a clairvoyant, molding herself to the wall of her apartment.  There are photos of Kate and me modeling next to a dying potted plant.  There are photos of Aaron pretending to propose to me as Kate looks on with palpable anguish.  There are photos of Kate and me reenacting the first Olympic race.  (I won).  The list of ridiculous photos goes on and on, and I cannot look at these photos without laughing myself into a fit of hysteria.  Because really, Kate and I are that funny.  Well, in our own little world we are.

Kate flew to Houston this May.  Her visit would not have been complete without a little photo shoot.  Daniel humored us by managing the shoot.

Here we are pretending that we are super happy!, afraid, jamming, and contemplative.  The last in the red chair series is an image captured moments after Kate spilled her coffee on me.


We could probably win a prize for being the biggest nerds on the planet, but we do have fun.  And it seems that no matter how difficult times may be, we always end up laughing.  I'm not sure if we'll end up laughing after Kate sees these pictures on my blog, but because we have a good track record, I'm going to take the chance.  

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I love your dress. That is all.

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