Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Girls

The girls are now producing four to five eggs a day, which seems to be enough for our little family.  We were hoping to give away more eggs to friends and family, so I suspect we'll soon acquire a few more hens.  I'm still amazed by how social they are --not only with each other but also with our family.  The moment we open the back door in the morning, the girls begin clucking.    In a huddle formation, they quickly run the perimeter of their coop so that they can at all times be as close to us as possible.   By the time we've reached the coop door, their clucking has become a sort of high pitched, excited screech and their movement frantic.  As we enter the coop, the girls crouch down and stretch their little wings and wait for us to pet them.  

Yesterday we gave each of the girls a little anklet so that we could better keep track of them.  Ella and Virginia made us a key that links the color of the anklet to a particular hen.  They named the girls Lenny (short for Lenora), Jenny, Alice, Sally, Margaret, & Pecky.  


Dwija {House Unseen} said...

The anklets are an excellent idea. We can tell the difference between our yellows and our reds, but our 4 barred rocks look practically identical. Maybe kids should rename and label them :)

What did you use to make your anklets?

Cathleen said...

Dwija, Daniel bought them from some chicken supply store. We have like a million of them. Send me your address, and I will mail you some. Yo.

Unknown said...

no Henny, Penny, or Bennie?

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