Saturday, April 30, 2011

Today over breakfast, Ella was contemplating the efficacy of testing experimental medicines on animals.  I don't know what got her to thinking about it.  She said, "So, just because a medicine works on a monkey doesn't mean it's going to work on a human.  You know mom, those people who are in prison for doing really bad things, those people who are probably going to be killed for being so bad.  Why don't scientists just test their drugs on those people.  That would work a lot better than using monkeys."

She and I proceeded to talk about the moral implications of her suggestion.  She just kind of looked at me, hummed to herself, and waved a catalog in the air.  Then she wandered away from the table.


Bethany said...

Yeah, I like her style.

Dwija {House Unseen} said...

Wow, she is a thinker that one!

Lucy said...

Wow, man. This makes me a bit less whiny about things like Ada taking all the wipes from the package when I'm not looking.

Rosemary said...

add that to your ever-expanding list of mom duties

number 489: talking down (dialoging with?) budding eugenisist!

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