and unrelated ...
Since it's Ash Wednesday, we decided to go out for a fish dinner after church. Virginia complained the entire way to the restaurant. When we finally arrived, she insisted on staying in the car and demanded we get her a burger or she wouldn't eat anything. Ella said, "Come on Virginia, eating meat today would be like crucifying Jesus all over again. Just eat the fish already."
That girl cracks me up. Ella's perspective is often so different and unexpected, that I frequently laugh at her, even when she's not trying to be funny.
I like that Jude has a strong enough bond with the pizza guy, that he's his go-to in the event of death.
Yeah, Ella...
Oh, that is so sad and precious, those creepy death questions! I hope the pizza guy is a least...nice.
p.s. I'm so glad you have a follow box up now!
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