Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Ghost of Art

I came upon this little story that Ella wrote.  Really, it's the beginnings of a story.  I was so delighted by it, that I wanted to make sure I kept a record of it.

The Ghost of Art
Once upon a time there was a little boy who loved art.  One day he was drawing a picture of a monster.  It had  huge figure eights on top of its head.  And a weird shape that I cannot describe.  All I can say is that it was not a polygon.  Inside the shape were lines.  Three things stuck out on the side.  One was sharp, another was like a feather, and the last was long.  The monster looked like this:

(My picture doesn't look at all like the one the little boy made, but it's the best I can do.)  Then he drew a picture of a little girl.  She had an orange dress on and purple shoes and blonde hair with blue eyes that looked almost purple.  Then he looked a the pictures he had made.  "I wish they were real," he said.   Suddenly a bright light filled the house!  The little artist fainted at what he saw before him.  It was the monster and the girl!  But something was wrong.  The little girl had a cruel grin on her face!

. . . to be continued, I hope.  The drawing and descriptions remind me, faintly, of The Little Prince and the drawing of the snake or the hat or the elephant or whatever that thing was that the prince drew at the beginning of the story.  It's been so long since I read it, that I can't remember.

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