Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Daniel and I could hear Virginia creeping through the hall after lights out, and so I set out to catch her.  She was quicker than I and so made it back into bed before I got to her room, but she wasn't quick enough to hide all of the evidence of her infraction.  The books scattered about her doorway confirmed that she had again snuck out of bed to read by the light of the hall.  I found her curled beneath her covers, and I warned her not to get out of her bed again.  She gave the following reply, stopping only once or twice to catch her breath.

It's just so dark and it's night and I don't like my room and I don't like the night.  The sad thing is--can I tell you a sad thing, mommy?  The sad thing is I didn't get a cookie after I ate my dinner, and I ate all of my pizza.  It's a sad think for a kid when she doesn't get a cookie after she eats.  And I'm sad because God died and I want it to be His birthday.  And if he died, why do we celebrate His birthday?  And how do you give presents to dead people?  It's sad that we can't give God a present.  Can we?  How about if we give God a cookie.  Would that be a good present?  And I'm sad because I wanted to hold the baby but only Ella and the king and queen got to hold the baby.  It's a sad thing, mommy.  I like to hold babies.  


Bethany said...

Jeez-o-pete. Once again, I'd like to point out that Virginia is a lot like you : )

Cassie said...

What COULD you say after all that?

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