Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sweet Virginia

Oh, sweet Virginia.  She's in bed crying, and I can overhear Daniel in her room, trying to console her.  

Today at Mass she was observing the Stations of the Cross.   Looking up to an image of Jesus fallen, beneath the cross, she asked me, "is that how Jesus died?"  We were in the middle of the Mass, and so I just whispered, "yes, kind of."  And then she fell apart.  She began sobbing and between thumb sucks cried out, "I don't want Jesus to die."  At one point, Ella overheard her, held Virginia's face in her hands and insisted, "it's okay, Virginia.  Jesus lives again.  He dies but he comes back."  So much information for Virginia.  She needed answers straightaway and so forgot to whisper.  "When is Jesus coming back?  When is he coming back, mommy?"  Mass ended with an old lady behind us smiling and handing the girls each a lollipop.  

I suppose that after her prayers tonight, Virginia got to thinking about Jesus again and became again overwhelmed.  We heard her cry, "I don't want Him to die!"

Daniel is in there right now trying to explain to her the Trinity.  Good luck Daniel . . .

Apparently, this is how their conversation ended:  

"But you know what I really want daddy?  Is just like for my birthday, like a doll that you know is going to a ball to be a princess that goes doot da doot da doot and a witch is trying to catch her.  And for my birthday, I want . . . "

Goodnight, Virginia.


Anonymous said...

As her Godmother, all I can say is that I'm glad she didn't ask me to explain the Trinity to her... After 17 years of Catholic schooling, I'm still not entirely confident in my ability to explain it to myself.

Cassie said...

Oh through the eyes of a child!

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