One day I will be rested enough to write. Jude, why do you wake up so early? Virginia, why are you always so thirsty in the middle of the night? If you wouldn't sleep with so many blankets, you wouldn't sweat so much, and if you didn't sweat so much, you wouldn't be so thirsty.
It was great talking to you on Friday and commiserating about sleep depravation. Though I really feel like a bush league sleepless parent with my one kid compared to you with your three sweetie-pies!
Just wait, someday soon you will have three children who will all want to bring Mommy breakfast in bed.
ah yes... remember Mother's Day breakfast in bed at Chez Martinez? It was heavenly... we got to lay in my bed and drink coffee with no children in the room. It was slightly reminiscent of our Gregory days... but the waffles were much better than Aramark.
I was a spoiled, spoiled girl until Paul was born. God sent Paul to show me what was up. I guess I should be thankful that God went out of His way to show me what was up...but I'm not there yet ;). Re: parched throats in the middle of the night- a friend of mine has her girls both keep lidded cups with straws on their nightstands so that if they're really "sooooooo thirsty" they can take a drink *without* exiting the bed. They think of ther reasons to get up, but at least that one is crossed off the list...;)
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