Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Clandestine Operation

I was rocking Jude in my room when I overheard the following conversation coming from my closet.

Ella: When it gets dark tonight, let's sneak back in here so that we can . . . [inaudible] . . . Okay, okay, Virginia?

Virginia: Okay.

Ella: You're not going to tell them, are you?

Virginia: No!

This is what I found when I opened the closet door:

Another funny conversation of the evening:

Mommy: (reading from a book) . . . a sloth bear eats mounds of termites by sucking . . .

Virginia: No, no, mommy, he eats cheese sticks and crackers.

Mommy: Actually, he eats . . .

Virginia: (screaming) He eats cheese sticks and crackers!

Mommy: Okay, he eats cheese sticks and crackers and sometimes termites.

Ella: And black bears don't really want to eat people unless you touch their babies.

Mommy: Yes, never go near a bear cub.

Ella: Unless you throw a truck of meat at them. If you throw them meat, they might leave you alone.

Mommy: Very good.


Bethany said...

A truck of meat. WOW.

Cassie said...

Maybe the closet should be off limits....I caught Eiley in the closest coaxing her friend to sneek out over the fence and meet her at walmart...to funny!

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